English Classes

RDC offers a multi level English classes for all learners.

Want to Learn English?

Sign Up Here

Call 517-999-5090 or email info@rdclansing.org for more information.

The Refugee Development Center offers the following English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) opportunities:

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program at the Refugee Development Center embraces a comprehensive approach to language. Above all, laying special emphasis on developing students’ reading, writing, oral, and listening skills. 

We offer the opportunity to learn English in  person and virtually.  If you are interested in learning English online please contact us at info@rdclansing.org. All classes are free. 

Workplace Skills 2020

Our program is designed to help adult learners master the basic skills they need to advance to the next level of education, training, or entry-level employment in career fields that are in local or regional demand.

Career Awareness Class

The RDC designed this career awareness curriculum to guide learners through a process that helps them set career goals, secure the educational services they need to pursue their goals, and thrive in the changing economy.

Computer/Digital Literacy

Technology is a key component to all classes at every level. Our classes integrate digital literacy into the core curriculum to ensure students are learning basic components of technology and are able to access virtual/distance learning as needed.

Drop In Center English

We offer a variety of drop-in hours for students to access resources and tutors to practice English and advance skills.


Practice the English skills needed to successfully pass the citizenship test

All are welcome. Join us today!